Friday, January 21, 2011

CrushFTP 5.6.0 Released!


***Many WebInterface enhancements. Faster loading, pagination, selecting recent items, quick view

***Web Customizations now inherit individual settings instead of only all at once.

***All statistics that are tracked in the stats DB can be sent to another DB

***Auto calculations for HTTP(S) tunnels now works correctly for high speed transfers

***Previews of images will now skip corrupted images better, improved logging

***Enterprise customers now get a Jobs tab to monitor and schedule CrushTask events

***Support groups for running reports

***Shared files with the temp link now keep web customizations of parent user

***added retry capability to CrushTask

***Added support for %expiration% date in automatic MagicDirectory emails


***bug fixes to how PASV response is determined

***SSL sockets are now bound to the proper IP

***fix for selecting users when the list is very long

***better compatibility with AS2 servers

***fixes loading of deep URLs after HTTP login

***fixed "I forgot my password." link on login page

***fixes bugs with IE downloads and UTF8 characters

***fixed bug with deleting multiple temp accounts

***fixed bug with Test Email button

***fixed logging display on remote admin when under high load

***fixed download file tracking for reports

***fixed slow report generation on big reports

***fixed defaults for SSH

***fixed bug with GoodReader and iCal

***fixed bug with calculating transferred data this month

***fixed issue with default owner, group, and privies with WebDAV

***fixed how CrushTask handles copying files from remote FTP servers

***fixed downloading using advanced method of download basket