- New:
- iOS can stream videos from WebInterface
- Java 7 support for OSX (already supported everywhere else)
- Content restrictions on specific byte sequences in uploads
- Added HTLM5 player support for movie files, and audio files if the browser supports it.
- Keeps jars from being in use allowing for easier updates
- CrushTask can generate share links on demand.
- High Availability added for enterprise licenses (session replication, ServerBeat VIP, and DMZ mode)
- HTTP session replication for enterprise users across multiple servers.
- ZIP64 can be used on demand
- DMZ keystore info only needs to be on internal server now
- DMZ changed to use JGroups libraries
- DMZ preference changes replicates to all internal servers
- SQL mode handles all VFS properties now
- Find task no longer generates job entry if its the first task item, and fails for no times found
- Supports multiple bind IPs for tunnels to utilize multiple internet connections for a single tunnel distributing load.
- Tunnel speed and efficiency improvements
- CrushTunnel can now use a static number of channels without expanding or collapsing.
- CrushFTPDrive can be instantiated in a headless Linux server
- Failing logins can trigger an error event
- Faster server update system
- Improved file listing speed
- Added Browse... button to many areas of the Virtual File System (VFS) and Tasks to help in entering URLs
- Added more customizations for Manage Share in WebInterface.
- Added customizations to only allow cut/copy of files, not folders.
- Search results now shows the parent path info for the item.
- Added customization to hide/show path column in tree view
- Search panel can have defaults configured
- Added stat support for MFMT
- Added support for @ sign in usernames in URL format
- Added additional FTP server compatibility (windows servers faking Unix)
- DMZ scenario passes along real client issue to internal server
- Improved popup dialogs on initial install of CrushFTPDrive
- Supports additional variables in CrushTask
- CrushTask Find can now ignore folders.
- CrushTask can now do MD5 hashes and random id generators.
- CrushTask can start and stop a tunnel.
- CrushTask Wait can handle workflow, approvals and conditionals.
- CrushTask Find/AS2 can have a max item count to process.
- CrushTask Copy is more efficient when copying many files
- CrushTask HTTP calls can be grouped now
- CrushLDAPGroup can validate a token against a token server
- CrushLDAPGroup can replace some variables in the URL
- CrushSync uses built in sys tray on windows now
- CrushSync includes upload, and delete feature
- CrushSync can replace invalid characters before synching. (OSX synching to windows server)
- CrushSync can handle larger slow running file listings
- Calculation of transfer statistics change to username instead of ip
- Simplified plugin loading
- Added import method for vsftpd
- selfRegistration user inherits from parent user now
- Updated windows wrapper configuration to use new jar loading system
- Expiring VFS can execute a task for cleanup
- Limited admin can access email templates in User Manager
- Allow for extra server customizations with a server_messages.xml file.
- Can ignore web items when generating a new shared temp account
- Custom share subject line can include info from body
- XMD5 FTP command
- Merges linked VFS across inherited users
- Kicking a HTTP session forces them to login again
- Can act as a learning proxy
- Simplified syslog configuration
- DMZ service can be installed from command line
- Added SHA512 hashing for passwords
- Changes to a user, or inherited user updates logged in users
- Added CC and BCC on email templates
- Supports multiple checkbox results in custom forms
- Supports NLST as LIST for bad clients
- Banned IP HTTP user gets more informative message.
- Plugins can access the HTTP headers used from client
- Supports alternative names for uploaded files in iOS safari
- Supports ignoring expired client certificate.
- Allow direct linking to a file with login to force redirect, or serve the file.
- Max login time will affect HTTP sessions too now.
- Added support for RENAME with overwrite for FTP.
- CrushSync interface can be localized
- Added date time validation in custom forms
- User Manager batch update can be applied only to selected users
- Filter in WebInterface can be filtered negatively with a ! symbol.
- Search can only search keywords
- Added DND upload support for IE10 since it started supporting it.
- Filter can do a file search instead of current dir filter
- View selector can be hidden
- Upload window can be hidden after upload
- Fixes:
- CrushFTPDrive localization bug
- S3 protocol fixes for bad bucket names
- CrushSync disconnect bug
- Java applet downloader fix for bad filenames
- Java applet library fix for applet and new java versions
- Chunked/unchunked stream switching
- Default ftps port bug
- Better error message on sftp client connection failures
- Compatibility for CrushFTPDrive and some MS products
- Missing parent folder on advanced downloads
- Bug in UTF8 characters and advanced download
- Long timeout for FTP listings that take a long time to respond
- Bad characters in advanced upload mode
- SFTP client connections not getting a dir listing
- UTF8 encoding for SFTP client connections
- UNC path fixes for CrushTask
- moving file across different protocols in CrushTask
- CrushTask SQL variables.
- Memory leak on CrushTask SQL
- CrushTask PGP decrypt fixes for nameless files
- CrushTask SFTP private keys authentication.
- CrushLDAPGroup limiting to specific port
- MagicDirectory random mode and days/hours variable replacement
- CrushSync sync issues on windows
- CrushSync password change exiting the app
- CrushSync download path fix
- CrushSync library bug with new java version
- Dimmed empty folder issue.
- Email template ignored for User Manager send password
- CrushSync tracks copy/paste in WebInterface
- Memory leak fixes in SQL mode
- DMZ socket utilization
- SyncDB creation
- Search not showing results for items that can't be downloaded
- Multiple VFS linking issue
- Upload forms report readability
- Reverse proxy fixes for spaces in path
- Plugin template inheritance issue with customizations
- SSL keystore loaded with wrong password
- Testing certificate can report failures
- Start / stop deamon buttons on OSX
- ProFTPD import bug
- ServerBeat VIP reliability issues
- MD5 calculations on transfers not logged properly
- Publish/share feature in DMZ mode
- WebInterface search for exact name
- Expiration fixes for User Manager fields
- FTP ASCII mode speed
- Log rolling bug when prefs.xml file edited directly
- Windows WebDAV client fix
- Quota alerts had old info
- Configuring expiration date orphaned share admin user
- Monthly report schedules for days 1-9
- Max packet length for SFTP
- DMZ login delay when DMZ was idle for a period
- Active mode FTP source port uses port -1 unless overridden
- OPTIONS command missing some headers
- Searching sub folders and handling duplicate search result names
- Expiration date being lost form plugins
- Viewing preview of filenames containing a plus sign in their name
- SSHFS compatibility changes for CrushFTP SFTP
- Caching issue with custom.js
- DMZ restart not reconnecting issue
- Password encryption with certain special characters
- Events panel display issue
- Custom upload form in WebInterface when uploading.
- Reports panel in admin missing some parameters.
- Java detection issues in WebInterface for loading the applet.
- QuickShare auto email not working
- Duplicating user in User Manager
- Auto start upload not working when overwrite file occurs
- Scrolling jump issues in WebInterface when expanding folders
- Empty list issues with different config parameters not allowing empty to be saved
- Reverse proxy settings not saving
- Preview config in prefs not saving size info correctly.