Thursday, February 25, 2010

Just posted a new version of CrushFTP 4 and CrushFTP 5


***will act as CrushFTP 5 is CrushFTP detects you meant to start CrushFTP5 but forgot the flag (linux)

***uses new events system for more reliable event execution

***made it easier for generating Previews

***can now set the title on the login page

***added additional support for dump proxy mode in CrushFTP when dealing with bad FTP servers

***folder monitor can now call third party plugins (CrushTask)

***added support for allowing uploading to temp accounts

***added additional hooks for plugins

***changed dir filtering to use regex (partially)

***added flag to be able to start Crush with all ports stopped

***WebDAV is now supported on Windows Vista / 7

***WebDAV now passes most of the 'litmus' tests.

***some plugins can now be created inline in the UserManager instead of just globally in the server prefs

***creates groups in CrushFTP 5 when importing CrushFTP 4 users

***added variable %user_dir% that does not include the root directory of a user

***added ability to set a alternate source port for active mode connections


***fixed bug with ServerBeat not being disabled properly

***fixed bug with inheriting the user/group/privs in OS X and Linux when writing a new file.

***fixed bug with scp handling multiple uploads per connection

***fixed bugs with generating Previews on Windows

***fixed bugs with Flash and UTF8 characters (another work around)

***fixed bug with CrushUploader uploading files

***fixed bug with backing up prefs.xml, and restoring a backup file if a main one fails

***fixed bugs with Custom VFS's by third parties

***fixed bug where modified dates were lost when you copied and pasted files in the WebInterface

***fixed bugs with editing temp accounts when using remote admin mode

***fixed bug with lowres downloads of images

***fixed bug with UTF8 characters in emails

***fixed bug with a memory leak

***fixed bug where files coulee be left in use

***fixed admin user creation to write file in the CrushFTP 5 default location

***fixed bug where uploads seemed to be failing even though they were not

***fixed bug with the IP in response to PASV

***fixed bug with timeouts for hammer banning

***fixed bug with the folder monitor GUI

***fixed bug with CCC synchronization

***fixed bug with blocking WebDAV connections

***fixed bug with empty directory listings

***fixed bug with logging in and out using different user accounts within the same browser session

***fixed bug with linked events

***fixed bug with miniURLs and the default flash/html mode

Just Updated CrushSync to version 1.5

***added ability to start multiple syncs at once
***added MD5 hash checking with CrushFTP servers
***can now set the next time to run by clicking on the time
***added ability to rename the source file after a sync
***email notifications can now be customized
***added support for UTF8 on more servers
***prevents caching of DNS names int eh event the DNS changed
***handles more complex invalid URLs
***can now handle multiple hosts by separating them with a comma
***windows version can be set to self update (see FAQ instruction)

***fixed bug with FTP listings
***fixed bug with installing and removing the daemon in OS X
***fixed bug where a scheduled sync could be missed if the machine had been off
***fixed bug where a group of syncs could be running at the same time
***fixed bug where multiple source items could make the sync run very long
***fixed how pre-scripts and post-scripts run
***fixed bug where group licenses might check frequently

Sunday, February 21, 2010

CrushSync Scheduling

CrushSync scheduling got some fixes over the weekend too. It will now pick up on syncs that may have been missed while the machine was shut off. The new algorithm results in less CPU usage to calculate when syncs should be run, as well as finding out when a sync was missed.

Big new feature coming to CrushFTP and CrushSync is the ability to sync the contents of large files, where only the changed portions of the file are transferred. This makes perfect sense for a database file, log files, etc. In addition, it will also support encryption on the synched file, so you can store an encrypted version of the file on the remote server, and still synchronize tis contents.


WebDAV finally fixed!

CrushFTP now will work with Vista and Windows 7's WebDAV client. MS fails to handle a date format that isn't in GMT format, and this subtle issue had eluded me for quite a long time. Finally tracked it down, and now CrushFTP works great with all known Windows versions.

CrushFTP still works great with OS X 10.4+ and many other WebDAV client too. I'll probably post a new official build of CrushFTP this week when i get some time.


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

CrushFTP 5 User Manager Events

There is another great feature I just added to the CrushFTP 5 User Manager. The events section can now create plugin configurations on the fly, to be used by that event only.

What does this mean?

It means you can create very specific CrushTask plugin configurations to do specific tasks without having to go back and forth between the global server preferences. While you can still have global plugin configurations, you can now also have per user, per event type configurations. It makes for easier editing too.

I also finally tracked down a rare session bug that sometimes prevented getting a directory listing in CrushFTP 5's WebInterface. New builds have been posted, and new public versions coming soon!