Wednesday, February 10, 2010

CrushFTP 5 User Manager Events

There is another great feature I just added to the CrushFTP 5 User Manager. The events section can now create plugin configurations on the fly, to be used by that event only.

What does this mean?

It means you can create very specific CrushTask plugin configurations to do specific tasks without having to go back and forth between the global server preferences. While you can still have global plugin configurations, you can now also have per user, per event type configurations. It makes for easier editing too.

I also finally tracked down a rare session bug that sometimes prevented getting a directory listing in CrushFTP 5's WebInterface. New builds have been posted, and new public versions coming soon!


Jeremías said...

Great new features Ben! We using crush in our workflow due to CrushTask... thanks for the great support!

Ben Spink said...

Glad it helps out. The latest release improves CrushTask even more.