Monday, May 10, 2010

CrushFTP 5.1.0 has been Released!

Finally, a new official public version. Lots of testing and bug fixes went into making this version.

***uses fewer threads for all sessions
***client certificate authentication is now supported for FTPS as well as HTTPS
***improves WebInterface to display logos, welcome messages and honor some color customizations
***added control to block access to specific directories or files matching a pattern
***improved server prefs GUI to be less confusing on what "Server Groups" do
***added default for WebInterface to hide the upload method choice
***added defaults for WebInterface sharing, and allowing uploads
***supports recursive MKDIR command in FTP now
***added customization to force slideshow only mode
***added browse and test buttons for DB setup on the User Config tab
***windows service will now work in 64bit mode instead of 32bit mode
***faster exiting of failed remote admin sessions
***added support for dumb proxy mode
***SQL compatibility improvements
***removes temp files when using remote admin mode from a web browser
***added flag for disabling an account in the user manager
***added additional plugin hooks to monitor and control CrushFTP
***added flag to make events be able to be run immediately (_NO_DELAY at the end of the event name)
***added support for SFTP public key files being stored in the user manager field
***allows for multiple copies of CrushFTP to technically be run from the same machine
***now propagates error messages back to WebInterface or SFTP client if an upload fails.
***improved servu import to capture notes field

***WebInterface compatibility fixes
***bug fixes for webdav clients
***bug fix for editing inline plugin info in user manager
***fixed who downloaded report to only show downloaded files
***bug fixes for the WebInterface sharing feature
***bug fix for downloading PDF files with Adobe Reader browser plugin
***bug fix for event handling processing a file multiple times
***fixed bug when writing files in encrypted mode
***fixed bug for making previews of images when not on the C drive
***fixed bug with chmod in SFTP
***fixed bugs with CCC command in FTPS mode
***fixed bug with IIS FTP proxying
***fixed compatibility with Adobe Contribute and WebDav
***fixed bug with chunked HTTP tunneling
***fixed potential memory leak when in proxy mode
***fixed bug with importing CrushFTP 4 user databases to CrushFTP 5
***fixed bugs with SFTP proxy handling of files and directories

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