Wednesday, June 8, 2011

CrushFTP and IPv6

Hope you didn't miss it today, but today was World IPv6 Day was heavily tested around the world. If your using CrushFTP, you have IPv6 capabilities built in. Just specify an IPv6 address to bind to, or if CrushFTP is already bound to all addresses, you are ready to go.


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

CrushFTP 5.7.0 Released!


***improved user manager load times

***added new 'welcome' event to trigger different actions

***increased size of thumbnails in Sharing emails

***bundled ThumbsUp to handle OS X image previews (

***faster WebInterface performance

***logs detailed changed being made to server prefs, or users to CrushFTP.log

***inheritance for WebInterface customizations now merges across all layers

***added cleanup of expired accounts in the user manager

***added support for controlling who emails are sent To: and From: for Sharing

***added ability to grant limited administration to just the user manager, and only the users in a group

***preserves modified times on uploaded files using advanced mode

***added the ability to do exclusion pattern matching for folder monitor

***added support to encrypt VFS URLs in the XML files

***additional modes for AS2 authentication

***added ability to redirect user at login to another web page

***alerts can now catch bad email addresses

***added list of files a user accessed to the Welcome form report

***reports no longer email out empty reports

***added support for importing BulletProof FTP users

***added support for MySQL and statistics DB

***added additional APIs for WebInterface for external access

***added default slideshow permissions when sharing images

***removed old WebInterface

***cleanup of unused libraries, smaller application size

Bug Fixes:

***fixed bug with export user pass report handling groups

***fixed bug with case sensitivity and using a DB as the back end for users

***fixed bug with some UTF8 chars on the WebInterface

***fixed bug with symlinks that are being downloaded

***fixed bug with searching in the WebInterface

***fixed bug with SSL and SMTP

***performance tweaks for SFTP proxy scenario

***fixed bug with tracking upload forms with Advanced upload

***fixed bug with POSIX permissions on OS X

***fixed bug with mass updates in user manager and VFS

***fixed NLST responses

***fixed bug with getting disk usage in Linux

***fixed bug with SQL mode and non local VFS

***fixed bug where password changes were lost in the user manager

***fixed memory leak in specific scenarios

***fixed bug with SFTP download packet order sequences

***fixed bug with Groups for various reports

***fixed bug with creating too long of paths in Windows

***fixed bug with cached VFS items being difficult to delete

Sunday, April 10, 2011

High Speed File Transfer - CrushTunnel

First, just a little background on what high speed file transfer is, and why you need it. If you are ever dealing with file transfers around the world, or even across the US, the distance of the network connection adds latency to the file transfer. This latency as a result limits the maximum speed the transfer can reach, regardless of the bandwidth you have with your ISP. Even if you have a 1Gbit connection to the internet, your maximum speed of a transfer from CA to Europe is going to be around the 2Mbit to 4Mbit mark.

How does CrushFTP help? CrushTunnel solves the latency issue using patent pending technology. The file transfer runs inside a CrushTunnel which uses HTTPS for the file transfer. CrushTunnel automatically opens multiple connections as needed to accelerate the file transfer over the network. It will use as few as needed, and no more than beneficial to prevent wasted overhead and IO operations. Additionally, since everything runs inside a HTTPS tunnel, its automatically securing the plain FTP protocol making it secure, and faster at the same time. Full bandwidth speed transfers, all without using UDP at all.

Does it really work? Absolutely! If you can get 4Mbit on one connection, you can now get 400Mbit over 100 connections. If your latency is extremely low, there is no need for the tunnel. Either way, the WebInterface, or local CrushTunnel application can adjust and be used as needed to get the best speeds possible.

CrushTunnel uses a Java applet, or stand alone Java WebStart application to achieve the speeds.

CrushTunnel is available to Enterprise customers. If you regularly do long distance transfers, how can you not afford to use CrushTunnel?


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

NAB - Las Vegas April 9th-13th

If anyone is attending, I'll be around roaming the floors. Not exhibiting this year, just attending.

Friday, January 21, 2011

CrushFTP 5.6.0 Released!


***Many WebInterface enhancements. Faster loading, pagination, selecting recent items, quick view

***Web Customizations now inherit individual settings instead of only all at once.

***All statistics that are tracked in the stats DB can be sent to another DB

***Auto calculations for HTTP(S) tunnels now works correctly for high speed transfers

***Previews of images will now skip corrupted images better, improved logging

***Enterprise customers now get a Jobs tab to monitor and schedule CrushTask events

***Support groups for running reports

***Shared files with the temp link now keep web customizations of parent user

***added retry capability to CrushTask

***Added support for %expiration% date in automatic MagicDirectory emails


***bug fixes to how PASV response is determined

***SSL sockets are now bound to the proper IP

***fix for selecting users when the list is very long

***better compatibility with AS2 servers

***fixes loading of deep URLs after HTTP login

***fixed "I forgot my password." link on login page

***fixes bugs with IE downloads and UTF8 characters

***fixed bug with deleting multiple temp accounts

***fixed bug with Test Email button

***fixed logging display on remote admin when under high load

***fixed download file tracking for reports

***fixed slow report generation on big reports

***fixed defaults for SSH

***fixed bug with GoodReader and iCal

***fixed bug with calculating transferred data this month

***fixed issue with default owner, group, and privies with WebDAV

***fixed how CrushTask handles copying files from remote FTP servers

***fixed downloading using advanced method of download basket