Sunday, April 10, 2011

High Speed File Transfer - CrushTunnel

First, just a little background on what high speed file transfer is, and why you need it. If you are ever dealing with file transfers around the world, or even across the US, the distance of the network connection adds latency to the file transfer. This latency as a result limits the maximum speed the transfer can reach, regardless of the bandwidth you have with your ISP. Even if you have a 1Gbit connection to the internet, your maximum speed of a transfer from CA to Europe is going to be around the 2Mbit to 4Mbit mark.

How does CrushFTP help? CrushTunnel solves the latency issue using patent pending technology. The file transfer runs inside a CrushTunnel which uses HTTPS for the file transfer. CrushTunnel automatically opens multiple connections as needed to accelerate the file transfer over the network. It will use as few as needed, and no more than beneficial to prevent wasted overhead and IO operations. Additionally, since everything runs inside a HTTPS tunnel, its automatically securing the plain FTP protocol making it secure, and faster at the same time. Full bandwidth speed transfers, all without using UDP at all.

Does it really work? Absolutely! If you can get 4Mbit on one connection, you can now get 400Mbit over 100 connections. If your latency is extremely low, there is no need for the tunnel. Either way, the WebInterface, or local CrushTunnel application can adjust and be used as needed to get the best speeds possible.

CrushTunnel uses a Java applet, or stand alone Java WebStart application to achieve the speeds.

CrushTunnel is available to Enterprise customers. If you regularly do long distance transfers, how can you not afford to use CrushTunnel?


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