Monday, February 10, 2014

CrushFTP 7 has been released!

--Dashboard for server administrators
--Role based administration so you can delegate some administration tasks to users.
--Job scheduler (Enterprise only), and events have a new Task designer interface that greatly simplifies creating task flows, and monitoring in realtime the progress of a Task.
--MP4 streaming playback in WebInterface with ability to skip to any point in the file.
--SSL Certificate manager to simplify using existing certificates, and requesting new ones.
--Automatic port forwarding using UPNP and PMP to simplify router configurations.
--Built in self diagnostics and testing for server ports to quickly verify outside connectivity is working, and get meaningful suggestions for the issue.
--Quick find system to search for a parameter, setting, user, etc. quickly with a hot key.
--OS X journaling tool improvement for CrushSync tracking in realtime the changes being made so they can be synchronized.
--Users sharing files can automate the attaching of the file into the email.
--Full file indexing can be enabled to allowing searching file contents.
--Limited user admin can make and manage their own sub groups.
--Session replicated and clustered servers have their settings saved between multiple servers, and user manager changes sync also.
--Outgoing connections through the VFS or Jobs/Tasks can be routed out through a DMZ server instance.
--Shares can have limitations put on the usage of the expiring link allowing a limited number of uses.
--Better log grouping for HTTP sessions that may span multiple different sockets.
--Internal shares can automatically issue an email to the recipient, or attach the file.
--Individual accounts can be disabled after too many attempted logins, or a general IP can just be banned from trying anything.
--Zip files can be opened, and navigated through all protocols, and individual files can be downloaded from inside of them.
--GDrive integration where the back end file system can be a Google drive.
--CrushLDAPGroup can honor ACL permissions assigned in NTFS for authenticated users.
--Hashed password stored in CrushFTP can have a salt applied to make them more unique.
--Tasks can survive server restarts, resume where they left off.
--Tasks can be clustered where multiple servers can take over the same tasks if one server goes down.
--Supports acting as a Socks proxy, and HTTP Forwarding proxy server.
--Jump task items have more controls on the logic (Enterprise only)

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