Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Publishing and Sharing Files

Did you know using CrushFTP 5, you can easily share files with other people? Just enable the "Publish/Share" feature on a folder and use the flash based WebInterface.

Login, upload a few files, then right click and select "Share...". Now enter a few details such as their email address, some comments int eh body, and your done.

They get a random self expiring account generated, tied to your account, with access to only the items you shared with them.

Find out more on the CrushFTP5 Wiki: http://crushftp.com/crush5wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=Sharing


Josh said...

Does the share/publish option need to be turned on for the specific folder or can one higher in the directory work?

Ben Spink said...

It needs to be enabled for the folder. However if a parent folder in the user's Virtual File System has it set, that setting is inherited by deeper folders.


Anonymous said...

When trying to share a file or a directory I get a "The requested resource was not found" error. Have I set something incorrectly in the settings?

Ben Spink said...

This means the user named "TempAccount" in the user manager is missing or has been corrupted. Delete this user and re-create them with the exact same name, don't make any changes t them, and click save. Then the links will work again.
