- Added support to update user manager users in batch mode.
- CrushSync redesigned with web based install, management, and monitoring
- CrushSync can now start synchronizing while a file is still being updated.
- CrushSync uses a more straight forward file synchronization mode using less DB interaction.
- CrushSync can be scheduled to run at specific times only.
- Added support for CUT/COPY/PASTE working with the VFS and not just local files.
- Session information is preserved through server restarts.
- Job history information is preserved through server restarts.
- Added support for looking up user emails from a group. {groupname}@G.{UserConnectionGroup}
- Added support for multiple reverse proxy servers.
- Tunnel can handle much faster throughput speeds over 1Gbit.
- CrushTask - WriteFile - Added find/replace for altering an existing file.
- CrushTask - SQL - Added support to do queries to SQL, inserting rows, selecting rows, using information about files.
- CrushTask - FileParser - New feature to read CSV (delimited) or fixed text files, parsing results into items that can be used for other actions like SQL inserts.
- CrushTask - Find - Support finding items that have been deleted by comparing to last cache.
- Added TempAccounts admin controls.
- Linked VFS support is much more advanced to handle complex scenarios.
- Added re-captcha support to WebInterface login page. (Requires google re-captcha account to use it.)
- Added support for viewing EXIF info and changing EXIF values on images.
- Automatic user refresh on logged in users when a save is done in the user manager. No need to logout.
- New log viewer in admin lets you view the entire log, search, filter, color tags, realtime scrolling, and more.
- Added ability to have a list of results for custom form fields to assist users in entering correct data.
- Added ability to have uploads auto start, and restrict to specific file extensions
- Added QuickShare feature for after an upload is completed.
- Enhanced download basket giving more controls to review the items in the basket.
- Added HTML editor for share email body.
- CrushLDAPGroup allows specifying roles and template users to use for the role
- VFS handles SSH key authentication when connecting outbound to remote servers
- VFS handles client cert auth for FTPES authentication when connecting outbound to remote servers
- OS X Advanced mode upload has a better file chooser.
- VFS is more robust at handling bad FTP servers on outbound connections.
- VFS has additional logging capabilities for tracking actions.
- DMZ mode now uses socket pooling for better efficiency
- MagicDirectory supports creating random usernames as well as passwords.
- MagicDirectory can now handle a 'days' notation for expiration.
- CrushTask - PopImap - support folder structures
- CrushTask - Copy - Added copying a file with a unique name.
- CrushTask - Copy - Supports ASCII mode when doing a FTP copy.
- CrushTask - Copy - Added support for very limited 'simple' mode for bad FTP servers.
- CrushTask - Added unique guid value as a variable.
- Self registration now honors password rules.
- AS2 MDN responses are now written to a file.
- Removes 'Shares' folder when last share is removed from a user.
- Added variable for events tracking success and failure for transfers.
- Added support to encrypt and decrypt items from the WebInterface.
- Automatically fixes emails to be HTML mode if the SMTP server is set to HTML and email was plain text.
- Update mechanism is faster.
- Added multithreaded listing for large folders and FTP protocol.
- Generates exif data for previews using exiftool.
- Compression fixes for large zip files (greater than 4GB).
- HTTP uploads failures errors are displayed in browser now.
- Faster PGP encryption and decryption.
- Less verbose HTTP headers in logging.
- Added ability to log individual user session logs to disk.
- Discards CRLF HTTP injection.
- Added FileZilla user import process.
- Added ability for FolderMonitor to execute a scheduled job if it finds an old file.
- Preserves OS X Info.plist file during CrushFTP updates.
- Improved AS2 compatibility with more servers.
- Added support to download multiple preview thumbnails as a zip file.
- Added support for reading giant ACII mode files with only one line.
- Added unsafe filename characters for uploads.
- Enhanced objects plugins can work with.
- Added speeds to UploadDownloadSummary report.
- User hammering Alert emails have more data available now.
- Automatically starts using new SSL cert if cert it changed.
- Added password rules to login.html file and resetting the password with the randomly generated one.
- Added support for windows ACL permission lookups on files for some plugins.
- Added preference for where preview thumbnails are stored.
- Added support to limit the TLS version that is used to avoid BEAST attack. (Or just use Java 7)
- Increased PASV port timeout for slow clients.
- Allows browser to save login credentials on login page.
- Improved advanced upload mode in WebInterface.
- Added media preview for WebInterface slideshows.
- Added control to rotate previews in browser.
- Added support to show custom HTML file instead of directory listings.
- Improved log viewer in User Info panel of WebInterface.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed reverse HTTPS tunnels not working
- Fixed deleting and creating internal shares.
- Fixed bug in detecting insufficient privs on Windows for installing service.
- Fixed UTF8 mode for SMTP email subjects.
- Fixed bad SITE commands not getting error response.
- Fixed bug loosing inheritance when saving with SQL DB.
- Fixed bug not setting OS folder privs when expanding a zip.
- Fixed bug loosing user_email variable from plugin users.
- Fixed bug with command lien generation of users.
- Fixed bug sending emails through exchange servers.
- Fixed bad URLs in the VFS coming from older CrushFTP versions.
- Fixed recursive event processing
- Updated SFTP library for bug fixes and security fixes.
- Fixed bug loosing keywords and thumbnails on rename.
- Fixed LimitedAdmin user manager error messages.
- Fixed bugs in upload form values not being accessible.
- Fixed bug logging some plain text passwords in CrushSync mode.
- Fixed DMZ socket timeout issues.
- Fixed rename when only changing filename case.
- Fixed bugs when using a DB for the search index.
- Fixed bug in looking up the local LAN IP on some systems.
- Fixed bugs with selfRegistration process
- Fixed bugs for ExportUsers report stopping on a bad username.
- Fixed bug in IP banning causing all IPs to be banned.
- Fixed bug in creating home folders.
- Fixed quota alerts for when quota is exceeded.
- Fixed alerts missing user_info for variables in email.
- Fixed duplicate entries in FTP STAT command.
- Fixed folder path matching in events.
- Fixed DMZ and CrushSync mode.
- HomeDirectory has a fix for being used as an event.
- CrushTask - Find - bug fixes.
- CrushTask - Unzip - fix for unzipping in parent folder.
- CrushTask - Jump - fix for not passing error information
- CrushTask - Preview - Ignore disabled preview configs
- CrushTask - PGP - Fixed decryption bug.
- CrushTask - Find - Fixed bug when iterating through directories
- CrushTask - Execute - Avoid deadlock on process that doesn't end.
- Fixed admin theme switcher not functioning.
- Fixed bugs in WebInterface slideshows.
- Fixed bugs with IE10 compatibility.
- Fixed many bugs with User Info panel on WebInterface.
- Fixed data validation on some User Manager fields.
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