Wednesday, April 3, 2013

CrushFTP 6.3 Released!

  • CrushFTPDrive - enterprise only feature allowing direct high speed file access in the OS to CrushFTP as a network drive.
  • Added multiple VFS configurations per user. Single user can have many VFS's configured now.
  • Added VFS expiration option.
  • Added support for multiple VFS items acting as one in a merged scenario. Upload once, write multiple.
  • Added ability to log to SQL server as well as to a file.
  • User Manager individual item panels can be made sticky to always display even if not configured.
  • Added support for folder icon previews to see preview of images inside of it.
  • Custom forms can handle cascading to show specific fields depending on drop down selections.
  • Added email templates for user manager so you can quickly choose a form email for new accounts.
  • Added custom themes in the User Manager for the WebInterface.
  • Improved logging data from client protocols.
  • DMZ server mode performance improvements
  • DMZ server mode reliability improvements
  • Dynamic tunnel creation and start/stop and demand
  • Improved Jobs tab log handling to be much faster.
  • CrushSync can change admin user/pass info from systray.
  • Supports variables in Event paths configuration
  • Improved logging to log similar chunks together.
  • Added MD4 hashing support on passwords.
  • Added support for changing passwords with SFTP.
  • Added support for MD5Crypt passwords.
  • Fixed content-length bug preventing Chrome from some video playback.
  • Added start/stop buttons for service/daemon on GUI.
  • Tracks new empty folders for syncs.
  • Changes to a user take effect immediately to the logged in user.
  • Added support for third party restart script after an update is applied.
  • Fix for TLS 1.1 and 1.2 protocol being enabled.
  • Home folder automatic creation supports variables now.
  • Added support for log viewer to open other log files and monitor in realtime.
  • Added support for miniURLs in DMZ server mode
  • When an account expires, custom actions can be taken to delete the account, delete the VFS, send emails, etc.
  • Use default keystore if specified keystore can't be loaded.
  • Added support for linked VFS's from roles on LDAP Auth only logins.
  • Added support for groups and inheritance to pass on their expiration information to individual users.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed UI configurations on SFTP outgoing connections.
  • Path fixes for # signs and other URL unsafe characters.
  • Fixed client date parsing for some FTP servers
  • Fix for resume with advanced download/upload
  • S3 listing fixes for dates, and with failed prior transfers
  • Fixed bug in CrushTask emails
  • Fixed bug in PGP key loading, and allow for loading form remote locations.
  • Fixed SSH private/public keys for outgoing client connections.
  • Fixed UNC path issue for CrushTask
  • Fixed HTML emails to have proper tags.
  • SMTP emails used 'mixed' multipart to support text and attachments.
  • Fixed SCP upload of zipstream data.
  • Fixed bug in preview thumbnail generation with empty folders.
  • Fixed bug where Manage Shares was missing items.
  • Fixed bug with events and custom form 'label' values.
  • Fixed bug for alternate duration information from pcastaction on OS X 10.7
  • Fixed bug with multi channel SFTP connections and idle timeouts for entire socket
  • Fixed magicdir email getting lost for events.
  • Fix for WebDAV 'LOCK' request with no XML body
  • Fix for tunnels connections missing HTTP cookies.
  • Fix for AS2 message MDN filenames.
  • Fix for email event not updating variables.
  • Fix for AS2 loosing header info for events
  • Fixed memory leak with user's being loaded from SQL table.
  • Fixed UI on how passwords are erased and re-encrypted.
  • Fixed UI bug with filtering in logging panel.
  • Fixed WebInterface UI tree expansion of dirs with a name starting with a dot.
  • Fixed User Manager UI bug with renaming VFS items.
  • Fixed estimated time remaining to calculate in hours and minutes for large transfers.
  • Fixed UI bug in User Manager for filtering customizations.
  • Fixed WebInterface download for iOS to try and open the item.
  • Fixed UI issues with Opera/IE10.
  • Fixed bug with the Sharing email body text.
  • Added additional localization variable items for people writing custom translations.


Nerd Progre said...

Hi Ben,

Good to see CrushFTP still alive and kicking.

What were the last v3.x and v4.x versions released and where can I downloaddd em?


Ben Spink said...

We don't have any v3 or v4 versions for download anymore. v5 is only temporarily available as well. We don't hang onto the old archives of prior releases for very long...and v5 is already over a year since we have done anything with it.

Some reason you aren't using v6?
